The B.I.R.O. project is an international collaboration between innovative partners that are involved in
defining and applying common rules for the development of a Shared European Diabetes Information System (SEDIS).
The workplan starts from an accurate review of the best information available from research and policy,
to identify target indicators and data required to populate European Diabetes Reports.
Development of the system requires the application of advanced statistical methods that can work effectively even through
the exchange of small amounts of aggregated data. This solution will allow partner institutions to contribute
to the reporting system through the application of a common data format and the use of standard statistical routines
that can be similarly applied to produce the basic components of a European system.
B.I.R.O. heavily relies on research conducted during the last years in clinical epidemiology and takes advantage from the statistical properties of multivariate models and meta-analytical methods. This means in practical terms that overall results from different areas can be obtained by running separate analyses in parallel and then averaging all partial results using appropriate mathematical formulas.
A region is not to be intended as an administrative jurisdiction, but rather as a geographical area where information
on the progression of diabetes and quality of care provided is collected and stored systematically in a homogeneous way.
The workplan does not require altering any routine data collection occurring at the regional level.
The core SEDIS will work as an overarching decision support system that will connect the different levels
of the regional health system to favour informed decision making and clinical governance.
The implementation of data processing techniques will be based on:
a population-based approach: epidemiologic and performance indicators taking into account
results obtained in a specific catchment area will represent a main target of the project
great cooperation among primary data collectors: data format will need to be widely applied
a knowledge integration design: the different components of the system will be connected and
technology widely disseminated among partners
More details on the original B.I.R.O. workplan are available here:
The Data Model
- 30th September-3rd October 2009, GASTEIN, BIRO at the European Health Forum 2009